The journey of humans upon this earth which we commonly consider as living is one that is filled with challenges. This is certainly true for everyone, but especially for those who are seeking spiritual relationships and connections to the Divine creator. Sometimes, our emotions begin to control us and lead us, on occasion to paths which we would do well to avoid.
Consider that many conflicts in our relationships damage or even destroy those relationships. Our emotions certainly conversely be a positive thing in our lives, they draw us closer to one another, they
make relationships grow into that which is special and makes impactful marks from one life to another.
It’s by our emotions that we relate so often to one another. In times of sympathy, and empathetic embrace, we are consoled from our troubles. Yet the wide range of these feelings can lead us to rage, hurt and hatred. As Christians, we must not let these powerful feelings lead us in paths of sin, so as we consider these things, let us see how scripture would instruct us to manage these feelings.
Firstly, we must recognize the breadth and width of emotions and accept that they are powerful in influencing us. They can cause our decisions to be different, they can control our actions. They can directly lead us to sin. Oen we become confused by desires because we have this emotional response. How many a young person in feelings of desire properly determined as lust, become clouded in their
judgement, considering it to be the emoon of love and so going down a path of sin? I think we see this in a not so young king David (2 Samuel 11-12) as he in lust sinned with Bathsheba. That sin led to other sins because of guilt maybe as he was complicit to the murder of Uriah. We see the Apostle Peter in control of fear denying the Lord and any association with Him, even to the point of cursing and swearing (Matt 26:69-75). In these examples we see that emotions can get the best even of the best of us.
Maybe it is in such trials that the Proverb writer was contemplated as he instructs the reader, “[Pro 4:23 NKJV] 23 Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it [spring] the issues of life.” Certainly James
addresses that of controlling emotions when he wrote, “[Jas 1:19-20 NKJV] 19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not
produce the righteousness of God.”
There are certain of our range of emotions which just do not lead us to fruitful productive places. So then we should take care to recognize how our emotions are moving us. This requires frequent reflection
and self-awareness. We need to learn those things which cause our emotions to negatively control us and ways that they damage our relationships. As we learn these things, we can then develop recognition that our emoons are taking over and then take measures to better control these feelings and not let them lead us to sin.
This means that we need to be in control by spiritually being in control. Certainly emotions are part of our spiritual man, as we see that the divine also expresses emotions. We see this in God’s anger (Deut 9:22; Rom 1:18), compassion (Deut 32:36), grief/regret (Gen 6:6), love (1 Jo 4:8; Jhn 3:16), hate (Prov 6:16; Psa 5:5). God has emotions, yet God cannot and does not sin in these emotions. So we must be led by His word to control our emotions.
Paul described that prayer and thanksgiving are good at combating our anxiety and the emotions which so often trouble us (Phil 4:6-7).
So by careful attention to God’s word, committing it to our heart, and being calmed by being at peace with God, we then have all of our relationships influenced and changed. So put God’s word in our heat
and find in it life. The Psalmist writes, “[Psa 119:11 NKJV] 11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.”
Make prayer and meditation then our watchful care over our emotions, letting God’s word influence us. Peace with God changes everything else in our lives.
Finally, let us seek support one for another in our Christian fellowship and the relationship in the family of Christ. Wherever we journey in this life, if there are other Christians, we have a family support network
right there. I was reminded of that this past week as I met new Christians who I was not familiar with. In just a few moments of discussion, by our common interest and bond through Christ, we became quick friends as though we had known one another for years. We have this support right at hand. And so we have been instructed by Paul by way of the Galatian letter, “[Gal 6:2 NKJV] 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” We are able then by God’s word to provide comfort to one another in times of distress (1 Thes 5:11). In these things we are building and being built up by our family in the household of faith.
Let us be in control of our emotions, rather than letting them control us toward sin. Let us be discerning or our emotions and not confuse them with fleshly desires. Let us encourage, comfort, and grow closer
in our emotions rather than letting them take over and damage our relationships with one another. God’s word is the salve for all such concerns, pains, and discomforts. He will lead us to Life and abundance.